Yes, I will send you a hand-written letter! Why? Because I can! Want one? More details below:
I have reached 200 subscribers on YouTube and I want to thank you all personally, by sending you a hand-written letter. Just send me your contact details on my Instagram account within the next week:
Day 10.12.2018

This day, Chris and I headed up to the lifts but had to got straight back down again because all the lifts were shut, due to too much wind. Back at the van, I thought I might build a little bit for more storage because I got the whole day. I got a parcel from my parents for Christmas with some chocolate. Very nice, thank you very much! I continued the build and started with a heat barrier just behind the passenger seat. It will help me get the air out of the front cabin at night a little bit better. Afterwards, I built a box just behind the passenger seat for some further storage. I put the fire stove on and got myself warm again. I edited a little in the restaurant and it was snowing lots that night. Everything looked really cool and my van was covered in snow. Very good news: I found the solution for the smoke leak! It only comes out, when the bottom door is open all the way but still, there shouldn’t be coming any smoke out at all!

Day 11.12.2018
I slept in this morning and only had 5min until the bus came, so I really had to hurry. We had to wait for almost an hour in front of the lifts because the weather was crazy again. There were only a couple of slopes open that day, but we still had lots of fun in the powder. Chris and I went to the gym and worked out a little bit. Later, I went to Fulpmes another small village right next to the one Chris and I are staying and got some Christmas presents for my family. I had to go to the post office for work as well. Back at the van, I cooked myself a lovely dinner and went to sleep.

Day: 12.12.2018
Headed up on the mountain with Chris and the funpark was closed! How crazy is that? I will have to wait a couple of days until it will open again. The whole thing was just gone. This was the best day skiing we had so far. Due to the fresh snow, the conditions were just beautiful. The sun was out as well, and we didn’t have too much wind. Just as perfect skiing day! At lunch, I went nuts with the salad, because you pay for the plate and so I shoved it full of stuff. My skiing skills haven’t been any better before in my life and it feels amazing to be shredding around! I did a couple of jobs on my van and gave the Christmas prezzy for my parents to the post office. I had to go to the post office twice, because me dickhead forgot the money to pay for it. I learned a new trick, the side flip, when I was at the airpark and I started talking with David and Johannes about the idea of a documentation. I sketched out a rough plan for it and talked to Chris after my session. He had some bad news, because his boss found out that Chris bought some food with discount for me as well. Will see how we’ll have to do it from now on. I am really looking forward to the documentation of David and Johannes from the Airparc. They will be going to the world championships of freestyle trampoline and I got the confirmation, that I will film that event as well!
Headed to Chris’s place later and we started watching a documentary, so I can get a little inspiration.
Some more bad news, when it’s that cold, the lock of my side door keeps freezing and I have to open it from the inside. Could be worse though.

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